
2025/03/11 상품 정보 환경 및 청소 장비

High-Capacity Industrial Dehumidifiers: The investment cost issue for businesses


High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifiers are important equipment during humid rainy seasons. Nowadays, there are many types of dehumidifiers with various capacities available on the market.

So, why should you use the High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifier?

What are the applications of the High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifier?

How much does it cost to invest in the High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifier?

Should you buy a new one or rent?

Let’s explore these questions with NISHIO!

The difference between High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifiers and Small Capacity Dehumidifiers

  • Small Capacity Dehumidifiers typically have a dehumidification capacity of less than 50 liters per day.
  • On the other hand, a High Capacity Dehumidifier, also known as an Industrial Dehumidifier, usually has the dehumidification capacity from 50 liters to over 1,000 liters per day.

Due to this difference in capacity, Small Dehumidifiers are generally used in households or small offices during humid seasons. (NISHIO offers rental services for Orion dehumidifiers with a capacity of 33.6 liters/day if you are interested in small dehumidifiers.)

Meanwhile, large warehouses, factories, and industrial facilities require High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifiers due to their goods’ features and the large manufacturing/ storing area.

Applications of High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifiers in various industries

High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifiers are essential in manufacturing environments and warehouses, where humidity can severely impact products and goods:

  • Electronics Industry: Electronic components like circuits and motherboards are extremely sensitive to moisture. If humidity is not controlled well, it can cause short circuits, damage components, and shorten product lifespan. In extreme cases, it may even lead to fire hazards. To prevent this, humidity levels should be kept between 35% and 45%.
  • Food Processing Industry: High humidity causes the growth of bacteria and mold, impacting on food hygiene and safety. Products such as coffee, tea, flour, and confectionery could be spoiled quickly in unstable humidity conditions. Excessive humidity can also change flavors and reduce product quality, leading to financial losses.
  • Textile Industry: Fabric and textile fibers absorb moisture easily, leading to mold, fabric deformation, and dyeing issues. Many textile factories require maintaining humidity between 55% and 65% to protect materials. If humidity is too high, it can weaken sewing threads and break them easily, which leads to disruption of production. Additionally, stored fabrics may also turn yellow or lose quality over time.
  • Wood & Paper Industry: Excess moisture can soak into wood, causing it to expand and warp. Meanwhile, paper can turn yellow, become brittle, or stick together. To maintain paper quality, warehouses must keep humidity levels below 60% to prevent loss of structural integrity.
  • Metal & Mechanical Industry: Excess humidity speeds up rust and corrosion on surfaces, damaging metal products and machinery. In electronics component manufacturing, moisture can even change the size and accuracy of components. That can result in defective product series.

Investment cost of buying a new High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifier

When selecting an industrial dehumidifier, you need to consider the humidity control standards for your industry. Additionally, considering the spacing area of warehouses or factories is also important to choose the right dehumidifier.

Now, the price of High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifiers ranges from over 50 million VND to several hundred million VND for models exceeding 1,000 liters/day.

For large factories and warehouses, one dehumidifier may not be enough. Moreover, since dehumidifiers are mainly used during the rainy season, you need to consider maintenance and storage issues when the equipment is not in use. Without proper care, the dehumidifier’s performance may decline, leading to high repair costs and reduced lifespan. Not to mention the cost of storage space for the equipment.

Some models of High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifiers for factories and warehouses

Several industrial dehumidifier models offer stable performance and high dehumidification efficiency for various warehouse and factory sizes.

Harison HD-504B High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifier

Model HD-504B
Dehumidification Capacity (l/h) 21
Environmental Temperature(°C) 5~40
Voltage (V) 380
Power Consumption (kW) 5.8
Dimension Length x Depth x Height (mm) 1,731 x 1,225 x 510
Weight (kg) 235

Image: A Harison High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifier of NISHIO in our customer’s warehouse.


Ikeno ID-12000S High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifier

Model ID-12000S
Dehumidification Capacity (l/h) 50
Environmental Temperature(°C) 5~40
Voltage (V) 380
Power Consumption (kW) 14.16
Dimension Length x Depth x Height (mm) 2,500 x 1,800 x 600
Weight (kg) 610

Image: NISHIO supplies Ikeno High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifier in a customer’s warehouse.

Why should warehouses and factories rent High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifiers instead of buying new ones?

Nowadays, many factories and warehouses tend to rent High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifiers after considering various aspects such as costs, resources, and the peak period of their production.

  • Cost savings: Buying a High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifier requires a large upfront investment (as mentioned above). Renting is a more affordable option, helping businesses manage their budget more effectively and allocate funds to other important operations. Besides that, other costs such as maintenance, storage, and repairs can add up significantly over time. Meanwhile, rental service has already covered all these expenses!
  • Minimized risks in case of equipment breakdown: For High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifier, the internal systems and key components are more complex than those of smaller dehumidifiers. If the dehumidifier breaks down and there is no technician or no backup parts/machines available, your highly sensitive products can be impacted badly, leading to serious financial losses to your business. By renting, businesses do not have to worry about this problem, as our skilled technicians will quickly support if any issues occur, ensuring your production schedule is still on track.
  • Storage space savings: Many businesses only need High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifiers during certain times of the year, such as in humid/ rainy seasons or during peak production periods. If you buy the machine, you will need to find space to store it when it’s not in use (especially High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifiers take up more space than smaller ones). But if you rent, the machine is returned to the supplier for maintenance after use, so you don’t have to worry about storage.

High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifier renting service from NISHIO in Vietnam

Unlike household dehumidifiers, which are widely available on the market, High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifiers have limited suppliers due to the limited demands from the market and high technical requirements.

Finding the right machine is not just about pricing, it also includes after-sales support, maintenance services, and supplier reliability.

Nishio Rent All Vietnam Co., Ltd. is one of the trusted suppliers of High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifiers. We always provide reliable rental equipment and professional services for your business.

Contact us today to find the best High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifier for your business!



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High-Capacity Industrial Dehumidifiers: The investment cost issue for businesses

High-Capacity Industrial Dehumidifiers: The investment cost issue for businesses

High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifiers are important equipment during humid rainy seasons. Nowadays, there are many types of dehumidifiers with various capacities available on the market. So, why should you use the High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifier? What are the applications of the High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifier? How much does it cost to invest in the High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifier? Should you buy a new one or rent? Let’s explore these questions with NISHIO! 目次The difference between High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifiers and Small Capacity DehumidifiersApplications of High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifiers in various industriesInvestment cost of buying a new High Capacity Industrial DehumidifierSome models of High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifiers for factories and warehousesHarison HD-504B High Capacity Industrial DehumidifierIkeno ID-12000S High Capacity Industrial DehumidifierWhy should warehouses and factories rent High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifiers instead of buying new ones?High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifier renting service from NISHIO in Vietnam Small Capacity Dehumidifiers typically have a dehumidification capacity of less than 50 liters per day. On the other hand, a High Capacity Dehumidifier, also known as an Industrial Dehumidifier, usually has the dehumidification capacity from 50 liters to over 1,000 liters per day. Due to this difference in capacity, Small Dehumidifiers are generally used in households or small offices during humid seasons. (NISHIO offers rental services for Orion dehumidifiers with a capacity of 33.6 liters/day if you are interested in small dehumidifiers.) Meanwhile, large warehouses, factories, and industrial facilities require High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifiers due to their goods’ features and the large manufacturing/ storing area. High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifiers are essential in manufacturing environments and warehouses, where humidity can severely impact products and goods: Electronics Industry: Electronic components like circuits and motherboards are extremely sensitive to moisture. If humidity is not controlled well, it can cause short circuits, damage components, and shorten product lifespan. In extreme cases, it may even lead to fire hazards. To prevent this, humidity levels should be kept between 35% and 45%. Food Processing Industry: High humidity causes the growth of bacteria and mold, impacting on food hygiene and safety. Products such as coffee, tea, flour, and confectionery could be spoiled quickly in unstable humidity conditions. Excessive humidity can also change flavors and reduce product quality, leading to financial losses. Textile Industry: Fabric and textile fibers absorb moisture easily, leading to mold, fabric deformation, and dyeing issues. Many textile factories require maintaining humidity between 55% and 65% to protect materials. If humidity is too high, it can weaken sewing threads and break them easily, which leads to disruption of production. Additionally, stored fabrics may also turn yellow or lose quality over time. Wood & Paper Industry: Excess moisture can soak into wood, causing it to expand and warp. Meanwhile, paper can turn yellow, become brittle, or stick together. To maintain paper quality, warehouses must keep humidity levels below 60% to prevent loss of structural integrity. Metal & Mechanical Industry: Excess humidity speeds up rust and corrosion on surfaces, damaging metal products and machinery. In electronics component manufacturing, moisture can even change the size and accuracy of components. That can result in defective product series. When selecting an industrial dehumidifier, you need to consider the humidity control standards for your industry. Additionally, considering the spacing area of warehouses or factories is also important to choose the right dehumidifier. Now, the price of High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifiers ranges from over 50 million VND to several hundred million VND for models exceeding 1,000 liters/day. For large factories and warehouses, one dehumidifier may not be enough. Moreover, since dehumidifiers are mainly used during the rainy season, you need to consider maintenance and storage issues when the equipment is not in use. Without proper care, the dehumidifier’s performance may decline, leading to high repair costs and reduced lifespan. Not to mention the cost of storage space for the equipment. Several industrial dehumidifier models offer stable performance and high dehumidification efficiency for various warehouse and factory sizes. Model HD-504B Dehumidification Capacity (l/h) 21 Environmental Temperature(°C) 5~40 Voltage (V) 380 Power Consumption (kW) 5.8 Dimension Length x Depth x Height (mm) 1,731 x 1,225 x 510 Weight (kg) 235   Model ID-12000S Dehumidification Capacity (l/h) 50 Environmental Temperature(°C) 5~40 Voltage (V) 380 Power Consumption (kW) 14.16 Dimension Length x Depth x Height (mm) 2,500 x 1,800 x 600 Weight (kg) 610 Nowadays, many factories and warehouses tend to rent High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifiers after considering various aspects such as costs, resources, and the peak period of their production. Cost savings: Buying a High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifier requires a large upfront investment (as mentioned above). Renting is a more affordable option, helping businesses manage their budget more effectively and allocate funds to other important operations. Besides that, other costs such as maintenance, storage, and repairs can add up significantly over time. Meanwhile, rental service has already covered all these expenses! Minimized risks in case of equipment breakdown: For High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifier, the internal systems and key components are more complex than those of smaller dehumidifiers. If the dehumidifier breaks down and there is no technician or no backup parts/machines available, your highly sensitive products can be impacted badly, leading to serious financial losses to your business. By renting, businesses do not have to worry about this problem, as our skilled technicians will quickly support if any issues occur, ensuring your production schedule is still on track. Storage space savings: Many businesses only need High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifiers during certain times of the year, such as in humid/ rainy seasons or during peak production periods. If you buy the machine, you will need to find space to store it when it’s not in use (especially High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifiers take up more space than smaller ones). But if you rent, the machine is returned to the supplier for maintenance after use, so you don’t have to worry about storage. Unlike household dehumidifiers, which are widely available on the market, High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifiers have limited suppliers due to the limited demands from the market and high technical requirements. Finding the right machine is not just about pricing, it also includes after-sales support, maintenance services, and supplier reliability. Nishio Rent All Vietnam Co., Ltd. is one of the trusted suppliers of High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifiers. We always provide reliable rental equipment and professional services for your business. Contact us today to find the best High Capacity Industrial Dehumidifier for your business!     Submit Rating   / 5. Vote count: No votes so far! Be the first to rate this post.
